Halloween 2011
I purchased the kids' costumes last year at a Halloween clearance sale. Grace had been asking monthly, weekly, and sometimes daily, about when she got wear her Cinderella costume. She was thrilled when Halloween finally arrived!
In her words "Mommy, I have waited FOREVER to be Cinderella!"
(The wig only lasted for about 15 minutes at the church harvest party, it didn't even come out for trick-or-treating.)
The Benedick family and Duerksen grandparents (Emma and Macy's other set of grandparents) got together to enjoy some dinner over at G.G.'s house. This is our first year of taking the kids door to door trick-or-treating and it was quite a humorous experience.
The kids loved the excitement of getting candy at each door and saying "Happy Halloween!" Grace had commented to her cousin, Emma, earlier in the evening that if you said "Happy Halloween," the person would say it back. At one house in particular, a very excited Grace said "Happy Halloween" to the lady handing out candy and the woman replied with "thank you." As Grace ran back to meet us at the end of the driveway, she paused, turned around and shouted at the woman "You need to say Happy Halloween back!" :)

By the end of the evening, it was getting pretty cold so Andy found a good spot to stay warm between houses. I don't think Grandpa minded too much ;).
Your kids are so cute! What a fitting name for your blog, "Out of the mouths of babes!" I love that Grace corrected the lady who said Thank You! And I would have loved seeing Andy walk into someone house! Hilarious! Thank you for sharing! Made my morning a little more cheery!