This past Sunday was Easter. It was our first holiday away from family and friends back home, but we were able to go to church on Sunday morning and then headed over to celebrate with some wonderful friends down here in Utah. We set up an Easter egg hunt for the kids in the front yard after a delicious dinner and all of the kids were so excited to see what the "Easter bunny" had brought them.

After gathering their eggs together the kids were opening them up to see what treasures they had found. Grace happened to open one egg that had not fully sealed and found that some ants had taken up residence in her egg. She instantly burst into hysterical tears and cries as she exclaimed "the Easter bunny gave me ants!! Why did the Easter bunny give me ants??"

It was so difficult trying not to giggle as I consoled her. I assured her that the Easter bunny didn't really mean to give her ants and she eventually believed me. I just hope the experience doesn't scar her for next year :).

Happy Easter from the Benedick family, He is risen!

Well, if the Easter Bunny in Utah gave her ants, she needs to come to Washington where she gets lots and lots of CHOCOLATE! (Her Papa's favorite treat). She is so like her mother. Love you all and what a great photo. BTW - what are all the spots on her left arm?